Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. It's been raining all week, so I had to do some baking to cheer us all up. These strawberry oat bars are quick and easy, simple to make with store cupboard (and

What better excuse than National Almond Day (yes, it's a thing!) to share one of my favourite recipes with you! Almonds are great for gluten free baking, because recipe with ground almonds often don't require flour as sell, eliminating the

There's no Friday 5 post this week, because it's National Chocolate Day - yes, there seems to be a national holiday for just about everything these days! - and what better excuse to share my recipe for chocolate almond torte

It's the Second of Advent already, how time flies! We're off on a festive Advent steam train ride today, through wintery Berlin-Brandenburg. There are rumours St Nicholas will drop by too! When we come back, we'll probably have afternoon tea