Last week, my 5 year old expressed an interest in helping to cook dinner, so I asked him what he would like to cook and he said tuna pasta. So we made this yummy tuna pasta bake together! Ingredients 400g dried

One of those quintessentially British things that for me belong to Christmas, are peppermint creams. Every recipe I found online included raw eggs, but I wanted the boys to be able to eat them too without risk, so I tried

With Hallowe'en almost behind us it's time to look forward to the next seasonal Festival which comes on the 5th of November in the shape of Bonfire Night. For those not familiar with it, it's an annual celebration where the

If you are looking for some easy peasy Hallowe'en party food to make, look no further than these spider web cupcakes which will wow your guests but are simple to put together. BAKING THE CUPCAKES First of all, you will need to

So here's a funny story: my kids are generally quite good about eating vegetables, but they prefer them raw not cooked, with a few exceptions. They claim not to like cooke carrots, and categorically won't touch mushrooms. But when I

Summer holidays mean children begging for snacks all hours of the day. We try to keep it healthy with things like fruit, carrot stick with hummus, oatcakes with peanut butter etc but every now and then they'll want a cookie