So here's a funny story: my kids are generally quite good about eating vegetables, but they prefer them raw not cooked, with a few exceptions. They claim not to like cooke carrots, and categorically won't touch mushrooms. But when I

Summer holidays mean children begging for snacks all hours of the day. We try to keep it healthy with things like fruit, carrot stick with hummus, oatcakes with peanut butter etc but every now and then they'll want a cookie

Do you know what tastes better than a nice bowl of crunchy granola for breakfast? A nice bowl of home made crunchy granola! We love granola in our house, but many of the store bought brands are loaded with sugar

There's been loads of rhubarb popping up in our local fruit & veg shops. Last year we totally missed rhubarb season, so this year we jumped at the first sign of rhubarb and I made a big batch of yummy

Easter is getting closer, so today I have another sweet (literally) and easy little idea for you. I'm going to share how we made chocolate Easter nests for our German playgroup's Easter meet-up last weekend.   Some folk make their Easter nets

Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny two a penny, hot cross buns. If you have no daughters, give them to your sons. One a penny two a penny, hot cross buns. Easter is coming up, and as well as death by

Are you feeling Christmassy yet? We lit the second candle on our Advent wreath yesterday, and also baked our second round of Christmas cookies. Whilst Vanilla Kipferl, Cinnamon Stars and Butter Cookies remain our favourites (they're like the Holy Trinity

So, usually I make pumpkin pie for our Hallowe'en party every year, but after seeing a great cake decor idea on the front cover of Tesco magazine last week, I decided to break with tradition and make a salted caramel