We have a really fun cooking challenge for you this week. My 5 yr old and I made these fossil cookies together a couple of weeks ago, and it was really fun - and yummy too! As before – and I

Okay, so ‘Brakartoffeln mit Spiegelei’ is basically just fried potatoes with fried eggs, but it sounds so much better in German. It’s a fairly popular dish in Germany, and can either be made fresh or as ‘Restessen’ (leftovers) to use

For this week's summer camp cooking session we're going to be making smoothies. It was actually my 5 yr old who wanted to make these, and he chose the ingredients to go in it. We first made these last summer,

Planning a picnic this summer? This rice salad is a perfect dish to eat at a picnic, alongside boiled eggs, rustic bread and chunks of cheese. Just pack it up in a tupper-box, and don’t forget to bring forks to

Banana bread seems to have been a popular bake during lockdown. Today I'm going to share one of our favourite variations with you - peanut butter banana bread! If you can't eat nuts, I also have another, nut free, recipe