Since I'm taking a blogging break next week, to spend some quality time with my kids during the school holidays, this will be the last book round up before Easter. So staying with the Easter theme, I thought I would

The countdown is on! Only a week to go until Maundy Thursday, and the start to the Easter weekend. So, before taking a short blogging break over the Easter holidays, to spend some quality time with my kids, I had

Now that we have the Spring Equinox behind us, I thought it was time to share some of our favourite kids book to welcome in the new season. So, clockwise, starting from the top: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle

Long before Mr Panda entered our picture book library and started asking if anyone would like a donut (see my recent book recommendations for 2 year olds for more info on this book!), the boys had requested some donuts for

It's Mothering Sunday in the UK this coming weekend, and whilst we don't celebrate Mother's Day in Germany until May, I've decided to pull forward the post I had planned in May and share some book recommendations for Mothering Sunday/

After having several themed book suggestions, in this week's Friday Five I just wanted to share a selection of some of the books my 2 year old is loving right now. Some of these you will see advertised for slightly