Spring Festival at Berlin’s Domäne Dahlem
I’ve been itching to share our recent trip to Gothenburg with you, which we visited over Easter, but sadly our fantastic holiday was followed by Mr Fox falling ill. Again. So instead of finding time to write and download the photos from our trip, I’ve been in and out the doctors with him all week. Poor wee guy. So in the mean time, I wanted to share our visit to the Spring Festival at Berlin’s Domäne Dahlem with you, which we attended just before we went on holiday. The Domäne Dahlem is a country estate and museum in one of the outer districts of Berlin. Together, the estate – which includes a working farm – and the museum demonstrate the food chain from production and processing through to marketing and consumption. They host several fairs and special events throughout the year, and the Spring Festival kicked off this year’s new season. It included craft and food stalls, animals, cart rides, music and a carousel. Here are a few impressions from the day:
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