Holiday Snapshots Part 1: Wuppertal
Whilst my older son is enjoying an extended summer holiday with his grandparents, the rest of us are in Berlin getting back in to our daily routine. We had a lovely two weeks away, and I thought I’d share a couple of our holiday pics with you. Since I took quite a few (surprise, surprise), I’m going to split it in to two parts: one for our city break in Wuppertal, and one for our week at the seaside.
The obligatory ‘Schwebebahn’ picture, Wuppertal’s famous suspended monorail.
Wuppertal gets a bad rep for being ugly, but just look at these beautiful houses!
Enjoying some summer sunshine in the back yard.
‘Creme Eis’ at Platz der Republik apparently sells some of the best ice cream in town. We definitely thought it deserved its 5 star rating!
On day two of our holiday it started raining (and didn’t stop for the next couple of days!) but that didn’t stop these two heading in to the garden.
Rainy days are perfect for the cinema, so we took the big boy to see the BFG – and got a free jumbo popcorn upgrade!
More beautiful houses.
We also had another rainy day outing to see the X-ray Museum in the neighbouring town of Lennep.
Once the rain stopped, we headed to the zoo.
Our week in Wuppertal ended with a family wedding – any excuse to pop these two in to matching kilts, lol.
The sweetie table was very popular with the kids…
My little goofball, always game for a laugh.