Holiday Snapshots Part 1: Washington DC
I just remembered, I promised to share some holiday snapshots from our trip to the USA last month. We had three days in Washington DC, then five days in New York, then another three days in DC (not counting travel days to and from the two cities). In DC, we stayed with friends – in neighbouring Maryland, to be more exact – and in New York we rented an apartment in Brooklyn. I’ve decided to split the pics over two posts, starting with Washington DC. I’ve visited DC many times – in total, I’ve probably spent about a year of my life there, and it was the second time for The Husband and The Boy, and the first time for Mr Fox. Having ticked off all our ‘must sees’ in the past, we were able to focus our trip entirely on the kids. I’ll probably do a ‘DC & NYC with Kids’ post some time down the road, but at this point I just wanted to share some pics with you.
Pandas!! We were in luck – all the pandas were out and active. One of the boys’ current favourite books is ‘Please, Mr Panda’ so they were beyond excited to see some real ones.
We caught the last ride on the Zoo’s carousel.
There was some kind of anniversary. I didn’t quite catch what. But he was chuffed he got to hold the flag.
Big Abe. And I mean REALLY big.
Classic picture postcard view from the Lincoln Memorial towards the Washington Monument.
He totally wanted to go to the Spy Museum! His highlight was the Bond car that sprung in to action.
One of my favourite museums in DC – the National Building Museum!
Proudly showing off their achievement.
‘Souvenir Selfie’ at the White House.
At the National Museum of American History.
Another classic souvenir shot: the US Capitol.
The National Air and Space Museum.
I thought this was a really neat idea – the kids received these sticker badges after going through the security check at Dulles Airport on the flight home. Made it a lot less daunting.
Waiting for our flight home at Dulles Airport. This boys loved planes so much! He gets excited every single time he sees one.
Lindsey London Mumma
What amazing pictures and it looks like you all had a great family adventure in Washington.