Bat Brothers: A Short Story
A story of two Bat Brothers: Little Brother (LB) & Big Brother (BB). Have a great week everyone!
BB: “Bro, you’re supposed to be wearing a mask!”
LB: “Mask? What’s mask? Can I eat it?”
LB: “Ah, there’s one…”
BB: “Get your own!”
LB: “Gimme!”
LB: “Knew I could eat it!”
BB: “Bro, you kind of blew my cover!”
LB: “Cover? What’s cover? Can I eat it?”
BB: “Not again…”
BB: “Hold the mask thief! He’s trying to escape!!”
LB: “I’m sorry, Bro. Do you want your mask back?”
BB: “All is forgiven. I love you, Bro!”
LB: “Love? What’s love? Can I eat it?”