Rote Grütze

Summer time is berry time. In fruit salads, as cake toppings, or simply as they are. In Germany, another popular fresh berry dish is ‘Rote Grütze’ – the literal translation is ‘red gruel’, which doesn’t sound particularly appetizing. But in actual fact, it’s a delicious dessert made with a mixture of different berries.

rote gruetze mixed berries

rote gruetze red currents


  • 300g each of four different kinds of berries. Since it’s called ‘red gruel’, red berries are the obvious choice, but other berries similar in colour with also do. I used raspberries, red currents, blueberries and brambles. Pitted cherries and black currents are also popular choices.
  • 1 small untreated lemon
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 500ml red fruit juice – I used cherry juice
  • 5 tablespoons corn flour
  • 50-100g caster sugar, to taste
  • 200 ml double cream (to serve)

rote gruetze four berries

rote gruetze brambles

rote gruetze raspberries


  • Prepare your berries. Remove any leaves or stalks. If using red or black currents, pick them off the stalks. If using cherries, de-stone them. Wash the berries and gently shake them in a colander to get rid of any excess water.
  • Wash and peel the lemon in large strips, taking off just the top layer of zest and not the white pith below.
  • Slice the vanilla bean open, scrape out the seeds and set the seeds aside.
  • Place remaining vanilla bean, along with the lemon zest and the fruit juice in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
  • In a separate bowl, mix together the corn flour with 5 tablespoons of juice, until smooth, then add in to the saucepan with the rest of the juice and stir in well.
  • Whilst continuing to stir, bring to the boil again and add in the berries.
  • Remove from the heat, remove the vanilla bean and lemon peel, and add sugar to taste. Leave to cool.
  • Tastes wonderful served with vanilla cream – just mix the vanilla seeds with the double cream and pour on top. Summer in a bowl!

rote gruetze cooked

rote gruetze vanilla sauce

rote gruetze blueberries

Comments: 1

  • reply
    9 August 2016

    Visiting from August Break.

    That dessert looks absolutely amazing! I love how you can combine multiple types of berries to get similar results. I also love how easy it is! Thanks for sharing! I’ll pin it for later. :)

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