Haggis Pakora
With only ten days to go until Burns Night – the day Scotland celebrates its national bard – I thought it would be perfect time to share my husband’s haggis pakora recipe with you. These little nuggets are really more-ish, and make an excellent addition to any Burns Supper or an alternative for those wanting to try something new.

- 150g chickpea (gram) flour
- 50g corn flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp mild chilli powder
- 1/4 tsp ground turmeric
- 150ml water
- 1 pound/ 450g haggis or a tin of haggis (use vegetarian or gluten free haggis if required)
Plus vegetable or sunflower oil for deep frying. It needs to be about 5cm deep in your saucepan.

Cut the haggis in to cubes roughly the size of a falafel or meatball.
Combine the dry ingredients, then mix in the water until you have a smooth paste.
Heat the oil on a medium to high heat to 180 C. If you don’t have a thermometer, drop in a drop of batter. Once if floats to the top, your oil is hot enough. If it gets smoky, it’s too hot!
Coat the haggis chunks in batter and carefully lower them in to the hot oil. Not too many at once, or the oil will cool down!
It should take about 2 minutes or until it turns golden brown. If it turns brown too quickly, your oil is too hot. If after 3 mins it’s not golden brown yet, your oil is too cold.
Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a plate lined with kitchen towel to soak up the excess oil.