Recycled Bottle Bubble Blower
Last summer, we made our own giant bubble wand, which was super fun. This year, we thought we’d increase the bubble fun by making our own bubble blowers, which let you blow lots of bubbles at once.

We used recycled materials for this, so it was a bit of a win win situation. They took minutes to make, for hours of fun.

Here’s what you need to make your own bubble blower:
- empty juice bottle
- fruit net, e.g. from lemons
- tape
- scissors
- craft knife (optional)

Step 1: Cut the end off the juice bottle. I found it easiest making the initial cut with a craft knife, then going round the bottle with a pair of scissors.

Step 2: Cut the fruit net so it fits neatly over the end of the juice bottle, then secure it in place with the tape. You want the net to be nice and taught.

And that’s it, your done! Now all you need is a bowl of bubble solution. We like to make our own, you can check out my post on the giant bubble wand for the recipe.

To use the bubble blower, just dip the end with the net in to the bubble solution, then blow from the other side through the neck of the bottle to create a waterfall of bubbles. Be careful not to suck in any of the bubble solution though. The easiest way to avoid this is to make sure your mouth isn’t touching the bottle neck when you take a breath.

We made the boys a bubble blower each, and they had fun joining up the bubbles. They also tried blowing bubbles in to each other’s hands, if you dip your hands in the bubble solution first the bubbles don’t pop so quickly. And if you’re really careful, you can even stick your fingers or hands inside a big bubble without popping it!

If you’d like to share your own bubble fun, I’d love to see any pics, so feel free to tag me on Instagram or Twitter. And while you’ve got the bubbles going, you may also like to check out our previous post on how to make your own bubble wands out of pipe cleaners!