Beloved Bunny Books
Since I’m taking a blogging break next week, to spend some quality time with my kids during the school holidays, this will be the last book round up before Easter. So staying with the Easter theme, I thought I would share some of our most beloved bunny books. Clockwise, starting from the top:
- Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney (author) & Anita Jeram (illustrator) – Starting off with a little bit of an intruder to the list, as this much loved modern classic actually features hares, not bunny rabbits. But since the Easter Bunny stems from the German ‘Osterhase’, who is a hare not a rabbit (yes, it’s all very confusing) we won’t be too pernickety about it. After all, this is the book that gave is the quote “I love you right up to the moon – and back.”
- The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams – This beautiful children’s book about how toys become real, was first published in 1922, decades before Toy Story hit our screens. It’s a longer story, so probably best suited for slightly older children. Our edition is sparsely illustrated, but the magical tale really captures my six year old’s imagination.
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter – We can’t have a bunny round up without mentioning good old Peter Rabbit. First published in 1902, it has not lost any of its charm over the years.
- Ten Little Rabbits, by Virginia Grossman (author) & Sylvia Long (illustrator) – This beautifully illustrated board book was a gift from friends at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage, when our elder son was born. Counting up from one to ten, the book celebrates Native American traditions such as fishing, weaving and storytelling.
- Die Häschenschule (Engl: ‘A Day at Bunny School‘), by Albert Sixtus (author) & Fritz Koch-Gotha (illustrator) – Finally, I’m including a much loved German book from my childhood, because there seems to be an English language edition available! Despite its English title, this one again features hares not bunnies. It follows the little hares/bunnies’ day at school, and can be found on display in pretty much every book shop in Germany in the run up to Easter.
Do you have any favourite children’s books featuring bunnies (or hares)? Please feel free to share them in the comments below. Have a great Easter everyone, I’ll be back here on the blog after the holidays! In the mean time, you’ll probably find me over on Instagram.
Please note that all the book links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. That means if you buy any books via these links, I receive a small percentage – at no extra cost to you! – which helps to keep this blog running.
Cheryl Lee
A delightful collection! I must get the Velveteen Rabbit for my little one.