Eier mit Kräutersoße/ Eggs with Herb Sauce
In Germany, people eat a LOT of hard boiled eggs at Easter. A lot more than people do here in the UK. We do our Easter egg hunts with hard boiled eggs too, and the shops in Germany are filled with what feels like a hundred different kits to decorate your eggs. This year, we prepped two dozen eggs, for our family of four! There’s only so many eggs you can eat for breakfast and/ or lunch, so it makes sense to have a few recipes up your sleeve to use up all those surplus eggs. One of our family favourites is “Eier mit Kräutersoße”, which is hard boiled eggs in a creamy herb sauce. You’ll often find it served with potatoes, but we have it with rice (for no other reason than that’s how my mum always does it).
Ingredients (serves 4):
- 2 hard boiled eggs per person
- 200g Greek yoghurt
- 100ml cream
- Pinch of salt
- 2 – 3 Tbsp fresh herbs of your choice, e.g. chives, parsley, basil, dill
Mix together the yoghurt, cream, salt and herbs. That’s it! What herbs you use is entirely up to you and what you like best. My kids love chives and parsley, so I often go with 2 Tbsp chives + 1 Tbsp parsley.
Peel the eggs and cut in half. Serve with rice or potatoes, and pour the sauce on top. As I mentioned above, we eat this with rice. Yes, the eggs and sauce are cold and the rice is hot, but strangely, it works. If you don’t have Easter eggs to use up, you can also freshly boil up some eggs.
Another great recipe to use up Easter eggs is “Falscher Hase” which is a German meat loaf recipe where the meat loaf is wrapped around hard boiled eggs.