Chapter Book of the Month: Nevermoor
This was originally meant to be the chapter book of the month for June, so we’re running a bit late, but better late than never as they say. Oskar’s latest book choice to review, is Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend. He stayed up until all hours to read this in one night, which think says a lot already about how much he loved it. Watch below to hear in his own words what he thought about the book, and how many marks out of five he would give it.
If you enjoyed this episode, please do like the video and subscribe to our channel! You might also want to check out Oskar’s previous chapter book recommendations. We’d love to hear what chapter books you enjoy reading with your kids, so feel free to share any recommendations in the comments.
Thanks x
‘Nevermoor’ is available from Amazon and all good independent booksellers. If you purchase anything via this affiliate link, I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, which helps to keep this blog running.