Best Birthday Picture Books
November is birthday month for us, with both boys having their birthday within ten days of each other. So I thought it would be the perfect opportunity, to share some of our favourite picture books about birthdays with you. Without further ado, clockwise starting from the top:
- The Best Birthday Present Ever, by Ben Mantle – Mr Fox loves his sticks. He has a favourite ‘big stick’ he takes to nursery every day, and if we didn’t have a ‘no sticks in the house’ rule, he’d probably take it to bed too. So when I came across this book, I just had to get it for him. It’s Bear’s Birthday, and Squirrel wants to give his friend the best birthday present ever. He’s worried that his present will pale in comparison to the other cool things Bear has been, but Squirrel’s present turns out to be the best of them all. Have you guessed what it is yet? Yes, a stick!
- How Many Sleeps Till My Birthday, by Mark Sperring & Sebastien Braun – The title of this book says it all. Every parent will be able to relate to it. I’ve been hearing nothing else for weeks. Another sweet story from Papa Grizzle and Little Pip. There is a Christmas version of this too.
- The Birthday Invitation, by Lucy Rowland & Laura Hughes – It’s Ella’s birthday, and while she is out delivering invitations to her party, she accidentally drops one. After a whole host of wonderful characters, including a wizard, a pirate, a knight and a pilot, she ends up with some unexpected extra guests. But it turns out to be a great celebration.
- Boa’s Bad Birthday, by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross – This is one we read at the library. It’s Boa’s birthday. He is hoping it will be the best birthday ever and that he will get lots of wonderful presents, but instead his friends keep giving him things he can’t make any use of, like a piano when he has no fingers to play it. Poor Boa. A funny story that teaches kids to be thankful when they receive gifts from others, even when they are not gifts that are necessarily wanted.
- It’s My Birthday, by Helen Oxenbury – And, finally, another book we read at the library. What is a birthday without a cake? In this sweet little story, a little boy wants to make a cake for his birthday, and all his animals friends help him.
What are your favourite picture books about birthdays? Please feel free to share your recommendations in the comments below!
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Cath - BattleMum
They’re all lovely birthday-themed books. Both hubby and I have birthdays next month and our son a few weeks later. Our favourite birthday book is Curious George and The Party!
What a brilliant set of little books! Sueful too I can imagine! Love the sound of the “how many sleeps” one.
Aww these books look sweet. Mine used to love reading books like this on their birthday :)
Those books are super cute! I love giving books as presents, they’re always the best gift.
Katie xoxo
Lyndsey O'Halloran
Oh it’s Erin’s birthday in January. We could do with some of these as she’ll be 2!
The Frenchie Mummy
I don’t have a particular one but they all seem super good! I have never thought about getting one! thanks for the idea!
Rhian Westbury
Wow November must be a tough month with two birthdays and then preps for Christmas, love the look of the books x
Beth @ BethinaBox.com
How many sleeps till my birthday is one I need. We don’t work in sleeps at the moment but it won’t be long!
Toni | This Mama
These sound like lovely books, are any of them ‘rhyme’ type books? My little man doesn’t really understand the stories as such due to his autism & communication issues but he does like the books with a rhyme :)
five little doves
Oh how lovely that they are all birthday themed! I never think to buy themed books for the children, these would be perfect for their birthdays though.
Zena's Suitcase
This is a lovely collection of birthday books. We have a few of these in our book collection and a few personalised ones too which seem to go down well with the girls
My kids would have loved these when they were little! So adorable!
Kerry Norris
Lovely ideas. We bought a Peppa Pig birthday book yesterday. I wouldn’t say it was one of the best we’ve had but littlest enjoyed it
Mudpie Fridays
Oh these are brilliant, we have one book which we use butt it get a bit boring after while so thing we will be looking at some of these for our Birthdays in the Summer. Hope everyone had a lovely Birthday x