We're in the middle of elderflower season, one of my favourite things about early summer. I just love the scent. We already made a big batch of elderflower cordial earlier this month, and I've run out of bottles and space

I'm in wild garlic heaven at the moment. I've already made wild garlic & cheddar biscuits twice, eaten my weight in wild garlic pesto, and have some pickled wild garlic buds resting in the fridge. Another quick way to include

I don't know about you, but I love decorating our house for the seasons, and even more so with natural materials gathered from woodland walks. So when I had some rose hips left over from our recent jelly making session,

One of my more recent foraging discoveries is nettle seeds. We've foraged for nettle leaves in Spring - they make excellent tea, soup or pesto - but the time for picking nettle leaves is long gone, the nettle plants having

We do love pesto a lot in our house, and nothing tastes quite as good as home made pesto. After our foraged nettle pesto from last year, I've got another favourite pesto recipe to share with you, this time with

The hills are ablaze with flowering yellow gorse again right now. The colour is so beautiful, and you can smell the scent of coconut in the air. After we got bitten by the foraging bug a few years ago, we

Elderflower is in bloom right now, so we made some elderflower cordial at the weekend. If you have an elder tree in your garden that’s quite handy, otherwise you can forage for elderflowers but avoid trees next to busy roads.