Review: Glove-A-Bubbles [AD]
We’ve been enjoying some glorious sunshine here in Edinburgh this past week, perfect for heading to the park. And what better opportunity to test out the Glove-A-Bubbles from Zing, which I picked up for review at the recent BlogOn Conference. What are Glove-A-Bubbles you ask? They are an innovative new way to play with soap bubbles. I don’t know about your kids, but my boys absolutely love some bubble fun, so they were totally up for this!
Everything you need comes included. First, remove the cardboard at the top by popping open the buttons, being careful not to rip the glove. Then simply tear the glove open at the bottom and take out the bubble solution bag, tear open the bag and pour in the bubble solution, and you’re ready to dip and wave! Everything comes with little tabs to tear open, though we found it’s a little bit quicker and neater with scissors, but no biggie, the tabs work fine too.
Now dip the glove in to the bubble solution, and wave it around to create a fun cloud of bubbles. Make sure the holes at the top of the glove are fully immersed, for maximum bubble creation.
Through a bit of experimentation we made the following observations:
- The gloves look huge for small kids’ hands, so make sure you put your hand all the way in and spread your hand out. This keeps the glove on better. They did fall off a couple of times when the boys got too enthusiastic, but even my 3 year old managed to keep his glove on his tiny hand once he had mastered the technique.
- Turning around in circles made more and better bubbles than running in a straight line, but not if you went too slow. Then we got hardly any bubbles at all.
- When you create lots of bubbles with cute looking animal gloves in the park, all the girls come running. True story. The boys were surrounded by a throng of girls chasing their bubbles, in moments. I had to get my photos in quickly!
One thing that didn’t work so well, was the bubble bag didn’t stand up on its own, so my husband had to hold it the whole time and got completely covered in soapy bubble solution. However, if you were doing this in your garden or back yard instead of the park, you could simply pour the bubble solution in to a bowl instead. Or take a bowl to the park, if you’re really organised!
I did have a little bit of a concern about all the plastic that is involved in these gloves, but apart from the sachets that the bubble solution came in, we have reused everything. We wiped down the gloves and used the bubble bag to store them in. The gloves themselves can easily be used again, and there are plenty of recipes online for making your own bubble solution, so you can just knock up a batch and keep refilling.
All in all, we thought the Glove-A-Bubbles were loads of fun, and we will definitely be using them again. They come in eight different animal designs, so each kid can get their own without fighting over whose is whose. Let the bubble fun commence!
Disclosure: We were provided with two free Glove-a-Bubbles sets by Wire PR, in return for an honest review. All images, words and opinions are our own.
Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons
This is such a brilliant idea! My son is 4 and still struggles with blowing bubbles, so this sounds like the perfect way for him to enjoy some bubble fun!
These look like so much fun! Definitely great for the summer ahead. It’s my little cousin’s birthday soon and I’m sure she’d love these! Thanks for sharing x
Oh my daughter would love these – must remember them for Christmas! She is bubble obsessed :)
Amy - All about a Mummy
Goodness my four year old is bubble obsessed and would love this!
Cath - BattleMum
That’s a great new way to enjoy bubbles. My son would thoroughly enjoy this and I’m glad to hear your boys managed with the glove as it does look huge.
Oh what an awesome idea! I’ve never seen or heard of these before but my daughter is bubble obsessed and I’m sure she would love them!
This is fantastic. I never knew something like this exists. My daughter has come to a stage where she prefers to blow out her own bubbles, so this is a welcome innovation. I will definitely check it out. xx
Claire | the ladybirds' adventures
My 5 year old has seen these advertised and keeps asking for one.Great tips for getting the best out of them too.
Jordanne | Thelifeofaglasgowgirl
These sound so fab! I’ve never heard of these before but my little one would just love these as he’s bubbles daft. Sounds like a great thing for the summer and having fun.