Eurovision Song Contest Quiz – Free Download

Confession time – we are major Eurovision Song Contest fans in our house! Before moving house a gazillion times, we used to have a projector and big screen instead of a TV, and we would invite all our friends over for a big Eurovision viewing party. Usually we’d do a quiz as a warm up to get the evening started, with small prizes for the winners. These days, it’s usually a bit of a quieter family affair, with popcorn and a glass of wine (or some lemonade for the kids), and we make our own scorecards to rate the acts as they perform. Since it’s not a school night, we let the boys stay up to watch it if they like. The little one usually falls asleep half way through it, but Oskar last year made it all the way to the end. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I found some of my old quiz files and I’ve updated them and edited them together in to a new quiz. There are two rounds with ten questions each, one round about Europe and one round about Eurovision. If you fancy hosting your own Eurovision party this year, feel free to download the quiz for your personal use.
Download Eurovision Quiz Questions
Download Eurovision Quiz Answers
(the quiz was updated in May 2021, to change some out of date questions and to add a third ‘flags of Europe’ picture round)
Bryony shaw
Cool idea for people to join in on!
We tend not to watch the Eurovision, some of the entries are frightening. The Eurovision party with quizz sounds like a fun idea for those that like to watch it.
Sonia cave
Yes! We are big fans too and it’s huge over here in Sweden we will be up watching with at least one of our three
Sabina Green
This sounds like fun. I would have to convince my lot to watch it as we tend not to.
Gosh, is the Eurovision still a thing, I have not watched it in many many years. Love the print out though
I love a quiz but I think I’d be rubbish at a Eurovision quiz, as I have to confess I never watch it. But, sounds like a great way to enjoy it if you’re a fan :-)
Helen Neale
Never had a chance to watch the Eurovision, but I’ve heard so much about how exciting it is.
Jennifer Gladwin
I love this! We always watch Eurovision and love the silliness of it all!!
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