Books My 2 Year Old Loves
After having several themed book suggestions, in this week’s Friday Five I just wanted to share a selection of some of the books my 2 year old is loving right now. Some of these you will see advertised for slightly older children, but it always depends on the individual child. I am constantly amazed at the length of books he will sit through, considering how active he is the rest of the time. He is such a little book worm. Actually, both boys are, and his big brother – who is 6 – will quite happily sit in on these too. So, clockwise starting from the top:
- Please, Mr Panda, by Steve Antony – This book was an instant favourite! Both boys know it off by heart, that’s how often we have read it. And even after the hundredth time, it will still have them dissolving in giggles. If you have not heard of the book, then I don’t want to spoil the twist. Just believe me when I say you will not regret buying it!
- Oi Frog! by Kes Gray & Jim Field – We all remember from learning to read and write at school, that the cat sat on the mat. But where does the frog sit? In this hilarious rhyming story, frog discovers that all animals have their specific place to sit, and he’s not happy at all with his. As well as the funny rhymes – cows sit on ploughs, parrots sit on carrots – children also learn about lots of different kinds of animals. And there’s an unexpected twist at the end!
- I Want My Hat Back, by Jon Klassen – In this simple story, bear is searching for his hat he has lost. Who has seen it? And will he get it back? This is another one that both boys love and know off by heart. The deadpan humour is charming – even though the 2 year old doesn’t quite understand it, or what happens to the rabbit!
- Press Here, by Hervé Tullet – This fun, interactive book gets by without any flaps to lift or tabs to pull. It relies entirely on your imagination, and will have your child tipping, shaking and blowing on the book. Reading this one always ends with “Again!”
- The Lion Inside, by Rachel Bright & Jim Field – This beautifully told and illustrated story is a fairly recent discovery, but it has quickly joined the list of faves. It’s about a little mouse who gets overlooked all the time and sets out to learn how to roar. He discovers you don’t need to be big to be brave, and finds a new friend in the process. My two year old loves to squeak and roar along.
Do you have any book recommendations that a 2 year old would love? Please do feel free to share them in the comments below!
Please note that all the book links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. That means if you buy any books via these links, I receive a small percentage – at no extra cost to you! – which helps to keep this blog running.
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
My youngest daughter turns two in November so I’ve just added these to my Amazon wishlist for birthday gifts
I haven’t heard of any of these books before but they sound absolutely lovely – I’ll have to look out for these!
Cath - BattleMum
We LOVE Oi Frog and the Lion Inside. Two brilliant books. Have you read Oi Dog? We actually got that first and then realised afterwards we needed Oi Frog first!
Yes, we have all three of them – Oi Frog, Oi Dog, and last week we got Oi Cat :)
Sarah Burns
oi frog and lion inside are faves here. I’m hoping to get the koala who could soon for them
Bear and Cardigan
My grandson is almost three but I haven’t heard of these and some sound perfect. His birthday is in a couple of weeks and I am definitely getting Press Here!
They sound like great Books to read .I used to be a book worm when I was little, I found Kermit and Miss Piggy to be my best, followed by fairy tale story books like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty
My nephew also loves reading books and his happy to sit and listen to all his favourite books in one sitting. Not sure if they have any of these
Janet T
I haven’t heard of any of these. I will remember them for the littlest relatives this Christmas.
Jayne @ Sticky Mud And Belly Laughs
Fab selection! We love Oi Frog too. I haven’t heard of the others so will look out for these :)