{Edinburgh} Central Children’s Library
We love libraries. I’ve taken both my boys to libraries since they were babies. Anytime we’ve moved somewhere, one of the first things we’ve always done is sign up for a city library card. Even better, in Edinburgh membership of the city libraries is free!
There are 28 freely-accessible public libraries in Edinburgh, so wherever you are in the city, there’s never one far away. But it’s the Central Children’s Library we wanted to share with you today. Most, if not all, of the city library have a children’s section of some size, but the Central Library has a dedicated separate children’s library.

There’s two large reading rooms full of books. The back room houses all the picture books, in easily accessible tubs, and spots comfy sofas as well as a cosy treehouse cubby corner.

The front room is the place to go if you’re looking for chapter books aimed at more advanced readers. There’s more sofas, as well as some funky circular seats built in to the bookshelves.

As well as the reading rooms, the Children’s Library also has a small craft room, where you can help yourself to art and craft materials and get creative (just remember to tidy up after yourself!), do one of the free puzzle worksheets, or use the public computer.

You don’t need a library card to use the library, just to borrow books, so even if you’re just visiting Edinburgh you can still drop by to browse and read books, or get busy in the craft room. It’s a great option for those dreich Edinburgh days when you just can’t face the outdoors, and are looking for somewhere warm and cosy to take the kids too that won’t break the bank. There are also regular Bookbug* and Storytime sessions throughout the week, and other events throughout the year. The best way to keep up to date with their latest news, is to follow the Central Library on Facebook.
* Bookbug are free song, story and rhyme sessions for 0-4 year olds that take place in public libraries and other community spaces across Scotland. You can find a list of all the Edinburgh library Bookbug sessions on the Edinburgh Council website.
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