Lauriston Castle Edwardian Christmas

{Edinburgh} An Edwardian Christmas at Lauriston Castle

Today we got in to the festive spirit with a visit to Lauriston Castle for their Edwardian Christmas event. The picturesque Lauriston Castle is a 16th-century tower house with 19th-century extensions overlooking the Firth of Forth, in the north west of Edinburgh. Admission to the Castle is by guided tour only, but throughout the year they also open their doors for special events such as this.

Lauriston Castle with Snow

If you’ve had enough of commercialised Christmas and want to get back to basics, then the Edwardian Christmas is just the ticket. On arrival, all visitors were divided in to groups, and over the course of three hours we moved from room to room, taking part in different activities. There was crafting in the old castle kitchen (which for some reason I forgot to take photos of), a traditional magic lantern show (too dark to take photos), and storytelling in the gorgeous castle library of dreams.

Lauriston Castle Library
Lauriston Castle Storytelling

We also got a wee tour of the house, which was decorated for the Christmas season, the highlight of which was the beautiful Christmas tree in the parlour where we met Santa himself and learned about traditional Christmas customs. Also, is there anything more adorable than a 5 year old in a bobble hat hugging a giant teddy bear!

Lauriston Castle Edwardian Christmas

There were also snacks and drinks available, including sweet and savoury treats and fruit, and a Christmas trail around the castle grounds. The grounds, but the way, are open to the public daily, including the Japanese Kyoto Friendship Garden, and are a wonderful oasis for walks in the city.

The Family Edwardian Christmas was a one off event, but it is run annually so definitely one to keep an eye out for next year as it books up quickly. It’s reasonably priced too, compared to some of the other Christmas events that are to be honest sometimes quite extortionate, and it really captures the magic of Christmas past.

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