We're in the middle of elderflower season, one of my favourite things about early summer. I just love the scent. We already made a big batch of elderflower cordial earlier this month, and I've run out of bottles and space

Wild garlic season is coming to an end. Sob. But there's one easy way to preserve some of that green goodness for the rest of the year - wild garlic butter! It freezes surprisingly easy, and if you freeze it

I'm in wild garlic heaven at the moment. I've already made wild garlic & cheddar biscuits twice, eaten my weight in wild garlic pesto, and have some pickled wild garlic buds resting in the fridge. Another quick way to include

Wild garlic season is short. Even shorter is the window of opportunity to harvest wild garlic buds, before they bloom in to flowers. Pickled wild garlic bulbs are crunchy and aromatic, and taste delicious on thick slices of butter bread,

Let's talk about edible weeds. Last year, I share my recipe for soup made with ground elder - an incredibly invasive plant that is notoriously difficult to remove but actually used to be cultivated as a vegetable and was introduced

It's the peak season for wild garlic, both ramsons and few-flowered leek, so I simply must share our wild garlic & cheddar biscuits with you. There are absolutely more-ish! Ingredients 150g gluten free plain flour blend (I use Dove's Farm)*plus 1/4 tsp

One of my more recent foraging discoveries is nettle seeds. We've foraged for nettle leaves in Spring - they make excellent tea, soup or pesto - but the time for picking nettle leaves is long gone, the nettle plants having