{Edinburgh} Hermitage of Braid River Walk
The Hermitage of Braid (part of The Hermitage of Braid and Blackford Hill Local Nature Reserve) is one of our favourite places in Edinburgh. It's a green oasis just to the south of the city centre, where the Braid Burn
{Edinburgh} Family Walk Around Torduff Reservoir
As I've said before, one thing I love about living in Edinburgh is how close we are to nature and lots of great walks, such as the Hermitage of Braid or Buckstone Woods & Seven Acre Park. A bit further
{Edinburgh} Family Walk – from Buckstone to Seven Acre Park/ Mortonhall
We enjoy going for family walks (well, the boys would probably prefer to stay home all playing playing computer games these days, but once we get them outside they enjoy it too). We are blessed with having access to many