#ShoutieSelfie – Maternal Mental Health Week
It’s Maternal Mental Health Week. Did you know that 1 in 4 mums suffer from post natal depression (PND) or another mental health issue – most in silence due to stigma. But maternal mental health matters! That’s why I am supporting #ShoutieSelfie, a campaign to raise awareness of maternal mental health issues and to reduce stigma. You can help to spread the message by sharing this blog post, and by sharing your own #ShoutieSelfie on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You are also welcome to add your own stories of PND and why you are supporting this campaign, in the comments below. You can find out more about the #ShoutieSelfie campaign, which is now in its third year, over at MummyLinks.
I myself was affected by maternal mental health issues after the birth of my first baby, and have previously talked about how I struggled to bond with my son. So I would like to refer you again to the guest post I wrote over on Selfish Mother a couple of years ago: ‘When Love Takes Its Time‘
Love and peace, and big hugs, to all struggling Mamas out there xx
Lyndsey O'Halloran
I had/ have PND and it’s so important to talk about our struggles after having a baby. It helps so much.
Well done for shouting this loud – quite literally! This week has been amazing for seeing just how many women have struggled with their maternal mental health.
Anita Faulkner - Brazen Mummy Writes
I hadn’t heard about the shoutie selfie, so thanks for raising awareness. Well done for your honesty too. It’s sad that some women suffer post natal depression in silence. Xx
This is great, I’m so glad it’s less of a taboo subject now. People think they will have that Hollywood moment and instantly fall in love with their child. Often it takes time and people doubt themselves for feeling that way.
Lucy Mackcracken
Looking back, I feel that I had mental health issues after my daughter was born. I definitely felt a lack of a bond and it took a long time for this to develop. This time around I am.more aware of my mental health postnatally and have taken steps to get some good support groups in place which have been really helpful for me.
Laura Dove
I have had post natal and antenatal depression and anxiety with each of mine. After 15 miscarriages and a stillbrith at full term it was understandable, but still incredibly hard and took a LOT of therapy to get through it!
Playdays and Runways
Pregnancy is such a special time but it can also be the worst. It’s scary and for some lonely and hard. It’s nice that you talk about your PND
My SIL suffers from PND, it was tough for a long time because we didn’t recognise it and she didn’t know it either.